Ember tetras are hardy fish that can live for four years when kept under ideal conditions, yet are susceptible to diseases like Ich and Fin Rot that require medication and water changes for effective treatment.
Feed your fish high-quality flakes, pellets and freeze-dried food to provide them with essential vitamins and minerals. Also give them treats such as brine shrimp, bloodworms or insect larvae for extra health benefits.
Ember tetras are small fish that reach about an inch as adults. With slim bodies and distinctive translucent fins, Ember Tetras make an attractive freshwater addition for any aquarium; especially suitable for beginners.
These fish are known as shoaling species, meaning they thrive best when kept in groups of six or more. It's best to keep at least 6-10 together for optimal conditions and natural behaviors to be displayed by each one. Furthermore, maintaining an even temperature range for your tank's temperature will prevent sudden temperature shifts from stressing out your fish and leading to health problems.
These fish aren't picky eaters and should be fed a variety of food sources such as high-quality fish flakes and pellets, brine shrimp, bloodworms, daphnia etc. Feed two or three times each day in small amounts as treats; live food should only be given occasionally as treats!
An ideal tank setup should mimic their natural habitat of slow-flowing rivers with muddy substrate and plenty of plants, with the use of a sponge filter providing steady flows of water to recreate this ideal setting for ember tetras. Furthermore, adding organic material such as leaves or branches to improve water quality.
As with other tetra species, the ember tetra needs an aquarium with slightly acidic water to thrive in. A powerhead or filtration system should also keep the water moving in your tank, and driftwood or Indian almond leaves may help lower its pH level depending on the size of your aquarium.
These fish are generally hardy, adapting well to various environments; however, they prefer well-established tanks with stable water parameters and little change. Due to being sensitive to sudden fluctuations in water quality and parameters, these fish need regular monitoring in their tank environment in order to remain healthy and happy. It's advisable that regular tests are run and adjustments made accordingly if necessary in order to maintain good health for your tank inhabitants.
Ember tetras are social fish and enjoy being kept with other similar-sized tetras as well as small to medium tankmates such as dwarf shrimp, guppies or catfish. Since these tetras often hide among plants for shelter, providing ample cover--both natural and artificial--is essential.
Though ember tetras are generally hardy fish, they are susceptible to some common diseases. Ich is a parasite that can be treated with medication while finrot is an infection caused by bacteria that causes fins and tail fins to turn yellow or white - both diseases can be prevented with regular health care and tank setup.
These fish can often be found inhabiting the bottom of the Araguaia River basin in South America, usually near vegetation or algae growth. When kept in an aquarium setting, these species prefer being kept in a planted tank with shade-producing plants to prevent algae growth in the water; furthermore they easily adapt to bright lighting conditions in an aquarium environment.
Ember tetras are omnivorous fish, eating various forms of food like flake, freeze dried and live foods. While they have been known to nibble the fins of other fish during stressful situations, this does not constitute aggression - in general they're considered peaceful species, making a good option for beginners in the hobby.
Captive ember tetra fish live for several years when cared for properly in an aquarium environment, although exact lifespan length will depend on diet and the quality of living conditions in which the aquarium is housed.
Ember tetras are easy fish to care for and make an excellent addition to any aquarium. They are peaceful creatures and will usually not become aggressive towards other fish in their tank, or other inhabitants of your environment. Ember tetras may be kept together in groups up to six or more fish; these fish don't tend to shy away from exploring their tanks either - instead spending much of their time hiding amongst plants as their natural shelter space.
Ember tetras are very easy to breed and make an excellent first-time fishkeeping project. They prefer heavily planted tanks with plenty of hiding spaces and darker substrate, and prefer schooling arrangements of 8 or more individuals. Like most other tetras, Embers may react negatively to sudden environmental changes and become skittish, so it is crucial that they have plenty of places where they can hide if necessary.
Tank conditions should range between 23 and 29 degrees Celsius with an acidic pH. Platies are an omnivorous species and should be fed a variety of live, frozen and dry fish food including high quality flakes as their main food source. Incorporating microorganisms like infusoria or brine shrimp as supplements also benefits their wellbeing.
As females carry their eggs to be laid, their abdomens swell. Once laid, it is important to remove them from the tank immediately so as not to risk males eating them; adhesive eggs may stick to surfaces in the tank so using a breeding mesh would provide better protection. Once hatching occurs, fry should be fed live food to ensure optimal development; they don't tend to be fussy eaters and digest live foods easily.