Mollies and platies are two of the most beloved aquarium fish species among beginning aquarists, especially among novice aquarists. Both varieties boast vibrant colors, energetic traits, and are easy to breed - yet some misperceptions about these livebearers need to be clarified before setting up your tank. In this article, we'll take a deeper dive into differences between mollies and platys so that you can make more informed choices when selecting which livebearer best meets your needs.
Can Platies and Mollies Cohabitate? Platies are generally peaceful fish that can cohabit peacefully in any community tank as long as the conditions match up, provided the tank meets certain specifications. They should, however, be kept apart from larger aggressive fish such as cichlids and vampire tetras that tend to bite fin-nippers like vampire tetras; platies tend to shoal, so for optimal care ideally keep groups of five or more with one male to every three females to prevent aggressive behavior during breeding processes.
How Many Platies Should Be Housed in My Tank? A 10-gallon tank is ideal for housing several platyfish at once. Up to five platys may reside together in one group if desired, with 1 female to 2 males being the optimal ratio.
Platies, like their cousins the mollies, are omnivorous fish that require a diet consisting of high-quality fish flakes, spirulina and frozen bloodworms or tubifex once every week for nutrition. Furthermore, they're live bearers capable of giving birth to up to 100 fry after fertilization!